[First and Foremost I would like to acknowledge and express my gratitude and love for Isaac Hayes for being an inspiration, musically, and one of the many lights in this dark world. August 20, 1942- August 10, 2008]
The beginning. Previously I had started on blogger for a plethora of reasons: to get the message of the struggle out there, because so many people are asleep it's outrageous to fathom... to set up some networking for those already awake to the tragic reality we live in everyday... and then most importantly to provide a sort of forum where people can discuss what they know with each other, spreading the wealth of knowledge and escaping for a little bit... from everything. Primarily, these are still my reasons for initiating this blog, but at the same time, I want to use this medium to relieve myself of all the things the world weighs on me everyday in this oppressive society.
As a people, I believe that we should all have a sort of release to heal all the wounds and wash out all the mind pollution we encounter on a daily basis. It surrounds us and seeps into every aspect of our lives...so consistently that it's become a part of our lives... a part of who we are as a people, and THAT, most definitely, needs to be changed, because, it's not who we are. WE have lost our essence of our true nature, so much so, that when we look in the mirror, we fail to recognize the fallacies that we have made ourselves out of. It's the poison that the mass media, the schools, and the "overseers" feed us to ensure that they have complete control over us, so that we cannot equip ourselves and take action against these atrocities.
I love Hip Hop. Hip Hop, along with writing, is my ultimate release. I believe it's one of the greatest tools we have at our disposal to dismantle this fucked up system. It started with my love and appreciation for the music, and in time, it has become even more, it has become a big part of my life, and I intend to use it to it's greatest capacity out of love for my people. Over time, Hip Hop has indoctrinated me with those truths that had been lost over time. I can't say that all those that claim to be of a Hip Hop soul, are true, and I speak purely for acknowledging that the control that the government has over our lives is so immense that they've even tried to infiltrate that purity with impostors and perpetrators.
When you've come to know what's real, you begin to be able to decipher what's real and what's not when bullshit is presented to you. This is a tool we have to cultivate people. Hip Hop has done that for me in many ways and in this "matrix", it's extremely valuable to our livelyhood because you must remain open to knowledge to receive it. And to remain open, you have to know what not to digest. You can't be open to just anything.., but you must be open all the same for the sheer fact that truth comes in many measures. If we close ourselves off to one measure, then we close ourselves off to another aspect of the truth... and at the end of the day, Truth, is what's important, because when we come to know Truth, we can know ourselves, and when we can know ourselves, we can know the Divine within us and the Divine abroad that connects us with everything else.
One very important thing that I've learned during my few years in life is just that: Everything is Everything [yes, that was a little shout out to Lauryn Hill... def one of my favorite emcees and musicians period.] Everything is connected, and in essence, One. When that is understood world round, things will begin to change, and the problems that exist will begin to dissipate. Recognizing that is key. Take into account the destruction that humanity has brought upon the earth. Of all the atrocities we've committed, the most heinous is that of believing that we are somehow not apart of the earth, but above it. We have thus come to the notion that the earth was somehow implemented for our use...for our disposal. We failed to recognize that, even with our sciences confirming our relationship with the earth, and now we are paying for it.
The very same could be said for those who implement these shackles on our minds. They don't recognize that humanity is one. Instead they have cut themselves off from the rest of the world and deemed themselves the elite. They have divvied amongst themselves the riches of conquered peoples and most of the worlds wealth and left the rest of us to poor circumstance, forgetting that we are all connected, and that if they give us a dim future, then their futures too, are dim. That's what stands in the way of most people. Most people have this prejudice etched on their souls. It's so deep that they fail to recognize that the man standing in a trench with no water and no food, is a reflection of themselves and the peril that we're all in. Because we have this notion of separation, there is poverty, and greed, selfishness, and envy...and most of all, there is HATE. Hate surrounds us. We hate our fellow man, and with that, we've come to hate ourselves. There are wars waged over hating ourselves. We are killing ourselves, all for one lie that has remained prominent through time. We need to change that. We need to get the truth out there. So today, I leave you with that basic fundamental truth, that nothing is separate. From that line of ants crawling up the molding of an old house in Georgia, to an old woman reading her grandchildren bedtime stories, the universe and the creator over, to the Divine operating in everything...Everything is Everything.
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